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standard characters中文是什么意思

用"standard characters"造句"standard characters"怎么读"standard characters" in a sentence


  • 标准字符串


  • It is recommended that you use only internet - standard characters in the computer name
  • Numbers shall be represented externally by using characters from the standard character set
  • Definition names shall contain { 1 . . 31 } characters . a system may allow or prohibit the creation of definition names containing non - standard characters
    定义的名字应该包含{ 1 . . 31 }个字元.一个系统可以允许或禁止创造包含非标准字元的定义的名字
  • At the end of the eastern han dynasty ( 25 - 200 ) , a new form of handwriting , standard script , came into being . the initiator of standard characters was zhong yao
    中国东汉( 25 - - 220 )末年,一种新的汉字字体:楷书出现了。图为楷书的创始人钟繇。
  • If a grid contains double - byte character sets dbcs and non - standard character sets , the application must handle these in order to run effectively
    如果网格中包含双字节字符集( dbcs )以及非标准字符集,那么应用程序就必须处理这些情况才能有效运行。
  • A code extension character that can is used by itself to cause a return to the character set in effect prior to the departure caused by a shift out character , usually to return to the standard character set
  • Q9 cis is a genuine innovation that will become the standard chinese input technology in the era of mobile communication , and it also has the potential to be the standard character input technology for other languages
  • Q9 cis is a genuine innovation that will become the standard chinese input technology in the era of mobile communication , and it also has the potential to be the standard character input technology for other languages
  • We strongly believe q9 cis will become the standard character input and operating systems of all small and medium sized electronic devices , applicable to all technological products and bring substantial return to our shareholders .
  • We strongly believe q9 cis will become the standard character input and operating systems of all small and medium sized electronic devices , applicable to all technological products and bring substantial return to our shareholders .
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"standard characters"造句  


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